Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I have never gotten the hang of double-pointed needles.  A friend of mine once described them as "fiddly" --- I've yet to come across a better description.  At least not one I can type in polite company.

If a pattern calls for DPNs, I just move right along.  (I'm the same way with charts.)  Over the years, I've become fairly adept at adapting circular patterns for straight needles.  Some, though, refuse to be translated.  It is especially disheartening when there's something I'd really like to make.

And, yes, I have tried learning over and over and over and over again.

The letters "DPN" send me into spirals of exasperation.  Something like this
 makes me break out in a cold sweat.


Bridget said...

So many people have this same affliction! I have to say that dpns are fine with me - I even took a sock class to learn how to knit two socks and circular needles, and that seemed fiddly to me - so back to dpns.

As my mother used to say, that's what makes horse racing ...

teabird said...

Two words: two circs. Solves all of your problems...

kathy b said...

I only knit with 4 needles at once. THink of it as this: only two needles are working, the others are just resting. SO i'll have stitches on 3 needles and use the fourth as the working needle.
But I think it is very important to enjoy the process ; we are so lucky to have so many patterns and tools as knitters…do as you like and create as you wish!

Lorette said...

Just send all your DPNs to me. I'm just the opposite. I have never gotten the hang of socks on circs. And I think it's very funny that spell check changed that to "circus" about 5 times.

kmkat said...

Knitting socks on dpns is like fighting with a porcupine. I have done it, but prefer Magic Loop. My main problem with dpns is that I ALWAYS lose one. Then I lose another one, and I'm sunk.

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.