Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Weather Delay

Yes --- we got our snow!  It snowed for over 5 hours, but it was mostly powdery and only added up to about an inch and a half.  Still, there's an awful lot of ice, and, if you've been paying attention to the news, you know that the South doesn't do well with that sort of stuff.  It isn't as bad here as in Atlanta, but we're pretty much shut down, too.  My driveway and sidewalk are iced.  But I did get to go out in the snow a few times yesterday with Rupert and Finn.  The sound of snow is divine, and the feeling of flakes hitting your eyelashes is beyond description.

Rupert the Intrepid.
Finn the Just-Take-Me-Back-Inside.

Speaking of Deans and their animals,
Hannah took Klunk out in the snow where she is.  Even though she dressed him for the occasion, he, from all reports, did not enjoy the adventure.

Me, I stayed inside with the blinds pulled up and watched the snow fall.  Knitting, old movies (hello, Cary Grant!), books, hot chocolate --- it was a nice day.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a follow-up appointment with the endocrinologist and a shopping/eating trip with Hannah.  Seeing as she is near Atlanta, though, and so is the mall we want to go to. . .  People and cars are still stuck on roads all over, with the temperature not going above Freezing all day.  I think everything is going to have to be cancelled.

Thank goodness the mail still runs.


kathy b said...

THe mail delivery has been nothing short of amazing here in CHicago land this particular winter.
Im glad you enjoyed hunkering down and the magic of the snow

kmkat said...

Our mailman has left us humorous cartoon notes twice telling us to shovel out around the mailbox. We do it, then it snows 6" and the plow goes by and... damn. Pretty, though.

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.