Sunday, July 7, 2013

Your Turn

I've talked enough lately.  Too much wailing and self-pity.  So, for a few days, there'll be a question here that you are invited to answer.  (I will, too, just to be fair.)

If you were given a yacht, what would you name it?

Very tempted to christen mine "But I Can't Swim."  Will go with "Water Bearer," though.


teabird said...

I would name it "Darjeeling." Can't imagine why, says teabird...

Kim in Oregon said...

I would name it 'What the'.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be funny to name it "I'm on a boat"

Bridget said...

Probably, "Yacht, yacht."

kathy b said...

Sorry Im late. I'd name it LIFE WITH PORPOISE

teabird said...

"Water bearer" is nice!
(I almost chose "I can't swim" for my own yacht, since I can't...)

Lora said...

I would name mine - MINE!

Lorette said...

Martini Bar.

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