Tuesday, January 1, 2013


When my parents were alive, my mother cooked black-eyed pears, hog jowl and collard greens every New Year's Day.  Daddy was extraordinarily superstitious, and wouldn't have it any other way.  No one in my family now eats hog jowls or collards, though my daughter does love black-eyed peas, so we  just throw caution to the culinary winds and eat what we want at the beginning of the year.  This year, it was stir-fry at Genghis Grill for the two of us.  My son went to Atlanta to pick his girlfriend up at the airport;  she's been in Australia the last three weeks.

Also, whatever you do on New Year's Day is supposed to be the template for what you are going to do the rest of the year.  If that's so, I'm going to drive in cold rain a lot, shop at Barnes & Noble, eat stir-fry often and cast on new knitting projects.



Anonymous said...

I skipped the tradition of eating black eyed peas for a few years because Joey doesn't like them, so it seems a waste to make them just for myself. But yesterday when my mom sent me a text message reminding me, I made sure to eat some!
Book stores, stir fry and knitting all sound pretty great to me! Hope its a great new year for you.

kathy b said...

I guess Im watching football which is ENTIRELY new for me. I guess I'll eat guacamole and chips all year too....ahhh it is sounding good. Oh and I'll knit too

Carrie K said...

Sleep in, lounge about, read, knit and hang out at the house. I hope the year goes the way of the first, it'll be wonderful. Or, at least I had one good day. :)

I hope all 365 days are good for you! It'd be a nice change, y'know?


"T N" today means Twinnie News.    It's  her  birthday!  If you know her, you know she deserves all  the good wishes, so head ...