Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Nearer and nearer the end of the contests grow.  Are you nervous?  Frightened?  Intimidated?  Sad?  Well, I certainly hope you're able to vote, because there are still some blank lines on the brackets that need filling in.  Your decisions here will fill out the Knitters' Chick Final Four;  today's  victors will join Maggie Smith and Rachel McAdams.

Your votes for the men will fill out the Knitters' Hunk Final Four, winners joining Stephen Colbert and Benedict Cumberbatch.  Which means the Semifinals are tomorrow, and the 2012 Knitters' Hunk and Knitters' Chick will be elected Monday!

Pair Eighty-Seven

Pair Eighty-Eight

Pair Eighty-Nine

Pair Ninety


Kim in Oregon said...

Kudos for consistently good post titles with no repeats.

Anonymous said...

Robert Downey Jr. vs. Alan Rickman? Oh, the agony, the agony...

kathy b said...

Huffing and pufffing as we race to the finish!! SO much fun

So This Has Been My Day

 On my way to therapy, I fell down the front steps.  I'm not hurt, but I did spill my Dr Pepper, which upset me as much as anything.  It...