Wednesday, June 10, 2015

In progress

On the needles right now, I have the Classic Elite Geneva capelet.  
 in these colors:
Citrine, for the body,
Night Denim, for the stripe outlines, and
Orchid, for the inside of the stripes.

The yarn is "Riveting," from Classic Elite --- it's made from recycled denim.  This is a fun pattern.  It's all garter, which you can probably see, but the stripes come in often enough to keep things interesting.

On another pair of needles, I have South West Trading Company's

held together to make this:
The sequins on the String-Along are clear, which makes their sparkliness even stronger.  This isn't quite as much fun as the capelet, but if I need to knit without looking at my work, it's perfect.


Bridget said...

Both will be beautiful!

My knitting is currently non-existent. Mostly because my right elbow is bothering me, and knitting bothers it. So thank you for the vicarious experience. :-)

kathy b said...

Kim. GREAT picks for your knitting. I LOVE the colors you've chosen. The denim base is perfect, one of my favorite starter colors for sure.
The bead work will be so pretty KIM!!

Lorette said...

Both of those are lovely. I like the striped one, and I love your colors.

Oh My Goodness

 My daughter just sent me to the  American Dream Nut Butter  site. (She has always been able to discover THE coolest things.)  On a lark, I ...