Monday, November 3, 2014


Just because Halloween isn't a big deal here doesn't mean I can't appreciate good decorating:
(Thanks to kmkat for the link.)

The thing that the Halloween season does bring is the time change.  When the weather turns cool, and it gets dark early, I am soothed.  There is, honestly, a physical sensation of calm and contentment.  Autumn and Winter are the seasons in which I thrive.  Well, thrive as best a chronically depressed person can.

Speaking of physical states, Daughter is feeling much better, though the honking cough is still around.


Bridget said...

I agree. Fall and winter reactivate me, and the early dark seems cozy rather than dismaying.

Glad Hannah is getting back on track!

Vicki Knitorious said...

Time to recharge! I only wish I could truly hibernate for a while...

kathy b said...

I am OVERJOYED that you love fall/winter and it soothes you. I will take solace in this all winter. HOORAY. I like to hunker down at the beginning of winter. I like it all until March

Lee said...

Me too! I love the cozy and quiet.

kmkat said...

As much as I dislike the dark, I love the chill. Layer up and snuggle, winter is coming!

More Than Enough

So, you're watching something online, and it breaks for commercial, and next to the little countdown clock is the message "Send to ...