Saturday, October 11, 2014


"TIS'' for 
Three Item Swap,
The Initial Swap,
The Imagination Swap.
Choose your favorite.

This is how it's going to go:
If you are interested in participating in TIS, you can say so in the comments section here.  I will, though, need you to e-mail me your full name and address so that they can be sent to the person spoiling you.  The address is handeyecrafts/at/hotmail/dot/com.

Each participant will be given the name and address of one fellow participant for whom to prepare a package.  I like my swaps to be be secret, so that finding out who got your name is just as much fun as seeing what was sent.  So, "sshh!"

Your package should include:
"T" --- tablet or notepad (cute, pretty, what have you.)  Not something boring and generic like this,
which I got at the grocery store.  Holidays and holiday prepartions mean list-making, and we all deserve happy, fun pads for them.

"I" --- initial.  Send your giftee something that begins with the first letter of her first, or last, name.  For example, someone could send me knitting things, or dove chocolate.  This is where the imagination enters the picture.  And it stays through

"S" --- seasonal.  We have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa all coming up, and who wouldn't love to receive something handmade in celebration?  Again, use your imagination.  Paint, decoupage, bake, crochet, bead;  wherever your talent lies, go there.  Handknit dishcloths in holiday themes or colors, napkin rings for Thanksgiving, Christmas ornaments. . .  Almost limitless, this one.

Hopefully, most participants in the swap will have blogs so that the gifters have somewhere to go and look for hints on what to send.  If you run into any serious trouble, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

I'm not putting a price limit on the package, but I can't imagine needing to spend more than $15 or so.  Can you?  Again, if you run up against a wall, don't just quit --- get in touch with me, and we'll see if there are some "angels" out there who will help you.

And, probably my Most Serious Rule for swaps: Don't send a package that you wouldn't want to receive.  A lot of us have been in swaps where the yarn we got was from several trends ago, with half  of it unspun and the label taped on.  Or a single eraser.  Or a flyswatter (which was green, after all, and that's the color the swap called for.)  Or something the sender was VERY OBVIOUSLY trying to get rid of.  Don't be petty like that.  Have fun.  Remember that your package may arrive on a day that your giftee really needs something good to happen.

Please let me know by Monday (the 13th) Noon if you want to join the swap,  I should be able to send out the match-ups no later than Wednesday, the 15th.  You will have until Saturday, November 15th to get your package in the mail.  That should keep the swap from interfering too terribly much with holiday goings-on.

So, a tablet/pad, something beginning with your giftee's initial, and a handmade seasonal surprise.

Who wants to play?


Kim in Oregon said...

Oh me me me me me. This is a wonderful idea, and the thought of knitting a tiny giftee (I already have ideas!) makes me happy.

Kat said...

Three cheers for Kim! Thank you for organizing-I'm so excited!

kathy b said...

Me me mee!! I want to play. Great 3 gift theme. LOVE the ideas.
Can't wait for my partner. i"ll email you

Bridget said...

I'm in and hope others will join up too! This is going to be fun and nice and low-stress, as far as preparing a package! :-)

PICAdrienne said...

I would like to participate.

kmkat said...

This is a swap that is easy enough even for me. Count me in!

Caffeine Girl said...

This does sound like a fun and low-pressure swap. Count me in!

Alyssa said...

I saw a post about this on another blog and I would like to take part! I'm sending you an email.

Incomplete Somehow

  This is done?  I'm debating whether to a)put things on the other side of the border, and if I do, b) what color they should be.  One t...