Saturday, August 3, 2013


(Leave your nominations in "Comments."  Remember not to nominate Leeson, MSmith, Cumberbatch, Streep, Neill or Rickman.  Off we go!)


Dropstitchknitter said...

MIKE ROWE! I am nothing if not loyal ;)

Kim in Oregon said...

Johnny Depp, Alexander Skaarsgard, and Curtis Stone (Top Chef). Shakin' it up sort of.

msubulldog said...

Iain Glen, Nathan Fillion, Mike Rowe

Marin (AntiM) said...

Simon Baker, Matt Bomer, Bradley Cooper

Amy Rea said...

Norman Reedus. He da man.

Kim in Oregon said...

I need to revise! I'm going to remove Curtis Stone and replace him with Kit Harington (Jon Snow).

teabird said...

Jeremy Irons, Liev Shreiber, Tommy Lee Jones

shspark said...

Jimmy Fallon, Jon Stewart, Steve Harvey.

Zooey Deschanel, Claudette Colbert, Ellen DeGeneres.

Kim in Oregon said...

Oh I forgot the ladies. Oops!

Kim in Oregon said...

Fan BingBing and Jamie Lee Curtis.

Kim in Oregon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lorette said...

Oh let's see. Guys first. How about Tyrese Gibson, Giles Marini, Daniel Craig. So many men, so few votes.

Lorette said...

And the ladies. Emilia Clarke, Maria Bartiromo, and Tina Fey.

Amy Rea said...

Also Robert Taylor and Lou Diamond Phillips.

Bridget said...

OK, here are my nominations:

Men: Jon Hamm, Stephen Colbert, Denzel Washington

Women: Helen Mirren, Tina Fey, Aisha Tyler

And I shall happily pass along the info to others to participate on my blog.


kathy b said...

So far I Nominate:

Keith Duffy
Ronan Keating
Roger Federer
and Tom Selleck

more later !

Vicki Knitorious said...

Michael Fassbender
Javier Bardem
Bryan Cranston

Helen Mirren
Michelle Williams

teabird said...

Damn - someone already got to Zooey D...

Kim in Oregon said...

OH! I get to nominate Curtis Stone because Johnny Depp is on the automatic list, yes?

Anonymous said...

Amanda Seyfreid because she's a knitter!
and Michael Pitt because did you SEE Boardwalk Empire??

fancystitching said...

Mark Harmon and George Clooney

camille said...

Ok- here it is, BOOM!!!!, my nominees are:
Ewan McGregor (a knitter and a Hunk- we get two for one ladies!!!)
Peter Capaldi (because he makes Malcom Tucker attractive somehow, and helloooo- new Dr. Who!)
Gary Oldman (for reasons too many to list!!!)
for the Ladies:
Rashida Jones (Kim, you know what I am talking about right here!)
Cate Blanchette (because she is simply fascinating to watch)
Isabella Rossellini (because, SIGH, she is the cat's meow)
I was holding off on making my nominations- wanted to see who was getting nominated- and was just so damn excited!!!
Let the games begin!!! BEST TIME OF THE YEAR!!! Kim is a genius- all hail KIM!!! Woo Hoo! Knitter's Hunk and Chick!!! :)

camille said...

PS I am also rooting for the ever hunky Liam Neeson...

Marin (AntiM) said...

Also Helen Mirren, Jennifer Aniston and Kate Beckinsale.

camille said...

I cannot wait!!!

Incomplete Somehow

  This is done?  I'm debating whether to a)put things on the other side of the border, and if I do, b) what color they should be.  One t...