Saturday, January 14, 2012

If Your Twin Tags You, Does It Really Count? (Being Basically the Same Person and All)

Well, I suppose it does.  And, short of going back to the picture of Sam, this may be the best I can do on a chilly Saturday.

Rules: • Post these rules. • You must post 11 random things about yourself. • Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. • Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer. • Go to their blog and tell them that you have tagged them. • No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ blah blah blah, you legitimately have to tag 11 people! (whatever, tag as you like, fun remember?)

Random Facts:
1. My name is "Kim."  No "Kimberly," no middle name.
2. I like anchovies on my pizza.
3. I do not drink.  I just don't like the taste.
4. I have never been farther west in the US than barely inside Texas.
5. I have never been out of the country.
6. My favorite actresses are Sissy Spacek and Amanda Plummer.
7. I hate my feet.
8. I thought I would turn out to be a better mother than I have.
9. I'm always surprised when I find a novel that interests me.
10. I really like being called "Miss Kim."  It's what my children's friends call me.
11. I collect stuffed lions.

My questions: 1. What made you smile today? Frankly, nothing so far.
 2. If you had to perform at the circus, what trick would you do?   Nope.  No circus.  No thank you.  Weirded out by circuses.
 3. Zombie, werewolf, or vampire? I suppose a werewolf, but they're all fairly unappealing.
4. What’s the coolest dream you ever had?  Any one that I can remember throughout the day, and lifts me up because of it.
 5. Rock, paper or scissors? Scissors.
 6. If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?  Maybe camping with Abraham Lincoln?  This one has several possible answers.
 7. If you could have one superpwer, what would you choose? Mental telepathy.
 8. If a unicorn and a squirrel had a baby what would it be called? "Freak of nature."
 9. If you could instantly become fluent in another language, which language would you pick? Italian.  Or Hebrew.
10. What is your favorite movie quote? "These things is heavy.  Hard to carry, too."
 11. What TV show do you wish was still on the air?  I have no idea --- I'm afraid they'd all seem too cheesy now.

Questions for the people I tagged:
1. Who is your favorite Disney villain?
2. What one fear do you wish you could overcome?
3. What's your dessert at your last meal?
 4. If you had the chance now, would you date your high school crush?
 5. If cost were no object, where would you build your dream home?
6. Any sound can wake you up in the morning --- what is it?
 7. What is your dream pet?
 8. You can commit any crime and get away with it.  What would it be?
9. Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
 10. You have your own knitting store.  What is it called?
 11. Eleven questions, or an even dozen?

Tagging: Roxanne, Shannon, Laurie, Bridget, Marin, Melanie, Paula, Lorette, Kimidawn, Jo, Carrie K., Sarah, Knitter Bunny.


Shan said...

1. Who is your favorite Disney villain? The Wicked Queen (Sleeping Beauty)
2. What one fear do you wish you could overcome? Failure
3. What's your dessert at your last meal? Creme Brule
4. If you had the chance now, would you date your high school crush? No
5. If cost were no object, where would you build your dream home? On my own private island ... with internet and UPS :-D
6. Any sound can wake you up in the morning --- what is it? The sea
7. What is your dream pet? Golden retriever
8. You can commit any crime and get away with it. What would it be? Stow away on a big, snazzy cruize ship.
9. Who is your favorite hero of fiction? Rissa Kergrulen
10. You have your own knitting store. What is it called? Spin Me a Yarn - Knitting and books
11. Eleven questions, or an even dozen. Eleven, its my favorite number

teabird said...

I posted, but I'm a bad girl.

Marin (AntiM) said...

I didn't forget you. I'm not ignoring you. January is a busy, busy month. I'll get there. Promise.

Carrie K said...

You have to come visit me now. I'd officially get you onto the west coast.

Argh. Tagged! I'll work on this during the week. I can't believe how flipping busy I am this month. I'm not reeeaaddddy.

Hugh Laurie is going to cry when he finds out Abraham Lincoln beat him out as a camping companion.

So This Has Been My Day

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