Wednesday, September 10, 2014


ETA: Counting the total number of votes each has received in the contest overall won't work, because they haven't been in the same number of rounds.  There is a difference in the number of nominations they received.  Should we use that as the tiebreaker?

Fifty votes.  

Twenty-five for

Twenty-five for

There was a one vote lead just before the poll closed, and then someone else voted.

So what do we do now?  I'm serious --- this has never happened before.  Someone could flip a coin.  But someone else wouldn't trust that.  (People get mean, really mean.  I've learned that over the years.)  We could draw a name out of a hat, but that would cause the same problem.

Do you want to vote one more time?  Go ahead with the Quarterfinals, and come back in a day or so?    Or does someone have a brilliant and simple way to solve this?


PICAdrienne said...

What if you include number of nominations? I don't have a horse in this race, so to speak, so just tossing out ideas. What if you average percentages won in earlier rounds? Number of votes would be a challenge because of different number of rounds. But, I think I like an average of their winning percentages. I haven't figured out who that would be, or if that would produce a winner.

KSD said...

Lincoln was the first person Rowe faced, so I don't have percentages to compare. There IS a difference in the number of nominations each got, though. Maybe. . .

PICAdrienne said...

That could make it interesting. Was Rowe an automatic entry? If he was, that could make a difference in people not nominating him. Someone may yet come up with a brilliant suggestion.

Unknown said...

Wait. I missed the Mike Rowe vote??? Crap! I would have voted Mike.

Vicki Knitorious said...

I've been thinking about this!! I didn't have any ideas until just now: What if everyone flipped a coin? During a voting window (as with the polls), everyone would flip a coin and send you "Heads" or "Tails" in an email or comment (one per customer) and add 'em up at the end.

Lorette said...

I don't have a horse in this race either, but I'd vote again. Maybe we can all lobby our friends and neighbors in the meantime to vote for our favorite. ;-)

Oh My Goodness

 My daughter just sent me to the  American Dream Nut Butter  site. (She has always been able to discover THE coolest things.)  On a lark, I ...