Sunday, March 23, 2025

Chapters. Sunday.

It isn't what I had planned, but most of this afternoon was spent reading this:

I was straightening up in my bedroom, and sat down on the edge of the bed to thumb through this book.  Before I knew it, I was reading, and then I was at the end.  Breezy little chapters, fun and interesting, and another entry on my Goodreads page.

Hannah says Chopper is doing well --- "acting like nothing ever happened" was her exact phrase.  The vet was supposed to be back in touch with the results of the urinalysis, and word on whether she (Chopper) needed antibiotics.  I haven't heard anything, so maybe she's in the clear.

I am plum wore out.  Driving to, through and back from Atlanta is always draining.  Having to stay level when your daughter is FREAKING OUT and ALL OVER THE PLACE is draining.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Another Day

The other side of the waiting room, and

this one is crooked, too!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Your Plans Have Been Changed!!

 I spent the day in Atlanta, because Hannah called in a panic saying Chopper was sick and, "I need my mom."

Hannah doesn't drive, couldn't find anyone who could give her a ride, was too stressed to call/take an Uber, so I went down to get her and Chops to the vet.

It's probably a UTI, but Chopper's bladder is too tiny (!) and was too empty for them to get a urine sample.  She was sent home with Gabapentin (which I take!) and "orders" to return tomorrow for a urinalysis.  Which means I'll have to do another run tomorrow.

Waiting, this made me kind of crazy:

They're both crooked!  Aaaarrgh!  Would you have gotten up and straightened them?

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


I spent a good amount of time today watching reaction videos to this blistering performance.  I think of this song as one of those "deep" songs that WMAK (1300 AM in Nashville) played at night.  The organ in the song always takes me back to my room, listening to my little transistor.

Does anyone even remember  transistor radios?

At any rate, I was 7 when the song was released, and more interested in listening to 

Still, I've always appreciated the song, acquired a new "sophisticated" opinion of it, and have enjoyed watching people hearing it for the first time.  And I just want to say, it gives me goosebumps every single time.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Nothin' Here

At least tiny-needle-wise.  I've not decided on a new project yet, for which I blame that fox.  Then again, one of the pieces under consideration does have a fox.  If chosen, can that one fox absolve the other?  Or maybe that was taken care of when I did this:

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Not Surprises

The nasty weather didn't materialize here, though I read that some people in Athens had their power knocked out.  Other counties had much worse luck than this one.

Kind of a knockaround Sunday.  I tied the second ball of that pesky yarn to the rectangle jacket and look!

Again with the dark rows!  Again, I'll keep it, 'cause it's interesting.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

You're in Time Out

The cross-stitch piece I showed you Tuesday was to have ended up like this:

However, it is now in a steep and indeterminate time out.  I lost count of stitches in a couple of places, and that ballooned into a Big Deal the more I tried to "fix" it.  So, off to the Naughty Corner.

We are due to get some gnarly weather overnight.  It has gotten more and more blustery as the day has gone on, though lots of weather maps and forecasts show lots of different things.  Still, there are enough tall pines around the house to make me wary.

Other than that, just a Saturday here.  I just finished a very good book: The Lincoln Moon.  It choked me up/brought me to tears several times.  I've moved on to Wounded Shepherd, a biography of Pope Francis.  Coincidental, I assure you, to his present health condition.

Chapters. Sunday.

It isn't what I had planned, but most of this afternoon was spent reading this: I was straightening up in my bedroom, and sat down on th...