
A Rotten Day, Pretty Much

 When Maddie woke me up this morning for breakfast and insulin (well, certainly the first;  the second less so), I felt a little off, but thought maybe it was the suddenness of the little paw on my nose.  But then I woke up a little bit later and my stomach was churning.   Within the hour, I was throwing up so much that I was carrying one trash can down the hall to my bedroom and switching to one in there.  I needed the fan to blow on me for a few minutes so I could gather energy to sprint to the bathroom when needed. Tap, bless him, kept trying to sit down with me, but it was a good while before I stayed in one place for long.  He had never seen me sick like that and his face was, "What is all that/Something is definitely wrong here/Can I help, but don't really count on me because ALL of this is very new."  This isn't Tap, but this is very much the look I was getting: "I care, but I'm kinda freaked out." I've no idea why what's going on is going

I Haven't Forgotten

There's still one Knitting Across America purchase to share.  Arizona: Yeah, there are a lot of shawls in my future. As far as my state choices go, well, I'm a Tennessean, so there's that.  Oregon is in honor of  my twin (thank goodness I liked the patterns, huh?)  New Mexico and Arizona have long interested me, though I'm not exactly sure why.  I think a lot about taking a day trip to one or the other --- flying in, maybe just walking around in the airport until the return flight, so I can say I've been to Phoenix and/or Albuquerque.  Maybe sometime.

Has It Gotten Worse?

 My knee?  Hard to say.  It's sore and a little stiff, but that's probably because of favoring it yesterday, and having to rub/massage it so much. Cold Domino's pizza?  I think maybe so.  I remember my roommate and I usually ordering extra because it was so good for breakfast the next morning.  Also, not having to get up and go to the cafeteria meant some extra sleep. (My dinner tonight was very dorm room: a piece of that cold pizza and a bowl of cereal.) My sleep situation?  Yes, yes, yes.  I cannot get to sleep without chemical assistance.  Since there is nothing whatsoever on my calendar for the next two weeks, I'm just going to go to bed when I get sleepy and wake up when I wake up.  Hopefully, my body will self-regulate.

Tender Is the Knee

My left knee has been a pain all day.  It keeps locking up on me, the kneecap sort of going where it wants to go, which means I have to sort of freeze wherever/however I am and try to work it back into place.  There's no pattern to the pain: sitting, going down stairs, going up stairs, just kind of standing around.  It's weird.  And painful.  Thankfully, my lunch ameliorated some of that.  I present to you an example --- a perfect example, even --- of what I wrote about on August 14th. A folded-like-a-taco potato chip.  Shaggy Tap in the back there looks interested, but he isn't a chips eater.  All the more for me.

Did You Guess Tennessee?

'Cause the yarn is orange, and orange is the color of The University of Tennessee. Yes,  Twinnie , I see you. The yarn I showed you: is for this shawl.  I like the "break" in the middle of the back. Next: a single-skein shawl, and   a state hat.  All of the kits had hats with the shape of the state on it.  (There's a Texas Longhorn one that is super cool.)  Now, to be honest, I may not use the orange for this.  Who am I kidding;  I won't  use it. Lastly, the tote bag: It's unnerving that the design isn't straight.  It tilts up to the right.  But it is nice, and right there in the middle (where Nashville is) is the BatBuilding.   It has become a symbol of the city.  And, obviously it isn't named The BatBuilding: it's the AT&T Tower.  Here's a moody, artsy photo of it. There is only one state left.  There's orange involved there, too.  I remain impressed with  Stunning String , and glad that I got involved in this adventure.


Still revelling in Vandy's win last night.  If you don't follow the NCAA, you might not know that Vanderbilt is not a football powerhouse.  At all.  Ever.  To beat Alabama is remarkable.  To beat Alabama when it is #1 is phenomenal. Now, I was bred and born a Vandy fan, and my dedication had never waivered.  Most years are lean, but I am there.  I didn't go to Vandy (too expensive), and I got my Master's at Alabama.  I taught a lot of football players (other athletes, too, but it's Alabama and only football really matters) while I was on staff there.  Still, it's always the Commodores.   If it were cooler, and I were going somewhere tomorrow, you can bet I'd wear my Vanderbilt boots.

Not Beaten
