Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Needle and Thread

I woke up this morning with an almost physical urge to cross-stitch.  Look how the little girl's sleeve is filling in:

This is one of those pieces that you work and work on and don't see much progress.  It's also one of those that you have to appreciate at a distance.

Another piece --- a little one --- will be started as soon as I can get to Michaels and buy some floss that I'm missing.

AND, thank you for letting me know how many other Eaters Who Get Bullied there are.  Dee, my daughter also has an aversion to fish.  We can't eat it around her, which makes visits to some restaurants very difficult.


Delighted Hands said...

The stitching is really beginning to emerge-beautiful!

Araignee said...

How charming is that? That looks like such a fun project. I can see why you're anxious to get to it. I love it when crafts get to you like that. I used to be like that for so many things but now it's only soap making that keeps me up at night dreaming of my next batch.

Kim in Oregon said...

I love it!!


So, I found this bouncy little kit, and opened it to start with the outlining.  I have to tell you, I like it like that.  I'm not going ...