Which is Followed by Wednesday

A Wednesday marked (too) periodically by headache-induced nosebleeds.  When you've got tissue stuffed up one nostril and are having to keep your head leaning back, you think all kinds of things.

This ceiling could use a coat of paint.

Why do we say we're in bed when we're actually on the bed?

People complain about the English saying someone is "in hospital" or "at Uni," but we say, "going to school" or being "at work."

Should I get prescription sunglasses?

Thursday's my favorite day of the week.  It has been for as long as I can remember.

Tap has been asleep a very long time, and he's snoring loudly.

Kim asked a while ago if I'd ever watched "The Wizard of Oz" while playing "Dark Side of the Moon."  I have.  I even played it in class, when we discussed urban legends.  I've also played the radio broadcast of "the War of the Worlds" in class.

Did you know that "Amazing Grace" and "House of the Rising Sun" have interchangeable melodies?

Why is my nose STILL bleeding?


Kim in Oregon said…
The Amazing Grace thing is blowing my mind!

I do love prescription sunglasses. I don't have progressives, just the regular vision, which works fine for all the times when I wear sunglasses.
Delighted Hands said…
I'm laughing and groaning at the same time!!!! I think you are thinking just fine and that might be a bit scary! lol
I hope you are feeling better soon!
kmkat said…
But Amazing Grace is in a major key and House of the Rising Sun is in a minor key, just sayin'.

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