Sunday, March 24, 2024


 Today would be my mother's 95th birthday.  As with all things numerical at this point in my life, this is hard to believe.  It's difficult to imagine what she'd be like at 95.  She was so very frail already when she died, I have a bit of an idea what she'd look like, but what would her personality be?  She was sort of ironclad as it was, so there might not have been much of a change.

I often commented how people might look at my brown-eyed children (especially dark-haired Hannah) and wonder what they were doing with a blue-eyed mother.  Mama would say, "What about black-haired, brown-eyed me toting around blonde, blue-eyed you ?"


Kim in Oregon said...

It is weird to think about these things--I'm glad you have great memories of your time with her and she sounds like she was quite the feisty lady!

Araignee said...

What a lovely lady your mom was! We never get over missing our moms. I lost mine when she was just 66 which was 20 years ago now. I think about her every day. I can't imagine her ever being old and isn't that sad. I'm in uncharted territory as I watch myself age.


As if there weren't enough things around and on my work spaces, I've tried something new. Diamond art, I guess it's called?  For...