Sunday, June 14, 2020

There May Yet Be More

 How many books are in your "What Do I Read Next?" stack?


Bridget said...

Lots more than in that photo! :-)

Kim in Oregon said...


kathy b said...

I have one book on audio that I'm slogging through. it is very good Kim, but I just don't seem to have the whatever to sit and listen to it with my headphones while knitting. I listened quite a bit tonight but the counter on my Kindle says I have 4 more hours of listening. It is called The Girl Who Drank The Moon. It is a young adult magical story. Not my usual genre. But I'll keep going. After that, who knows?

kmkat said...

My "want to read" list on Goodreads is north of 300.

Same Question, Different Day

Okay, I know I didn't order this. There was no information on the packing slips, so . . . Thank you.  Whomever you are.