Friday, July 3, 2015


Today has been almost unbearable.  The physical pain has been the worst yet.  I am sad, and lonely, and still consumed with knowing that Finn is still alive, and I could just go pick him up and bring him back home.  And then his claws would be clicking on the floors, and he'd be barking at every little sound, and putting his face up to mine when he knows I'm cryng.  Like right now.

There have been a lot of animals in my life, but I've never had one's story go this way.  If it's torture for me, how must he be feeling?

And yet, I have to have him euthanized when his 10 days are up.    He was biting me more regularly, and with increasing anger.  He didn't bite me Monday --- he attacked me.  The wounds are deep and painful.  The nerve damage to my hand and fingers is most likely temporary;  still, I can't do anything with my right hand right now.  Which means s lot of time that I would be knitting, or doing just about anything, is spent staring out the window and obsessing over everything.

And you get to read about it.

I'm sorry.


Lora said...

Please don't apologize to us. I am so terribly sorry you have to go through all of this. It absolutely sucks that you have to deal with this and it's ok to feel crappy about it.

Kim in Oregon said...

This is so hard. So so hard.

Kim in Oregon said...

Everybody here loves you and has your back too.

teabird said...

Oh, Kim - this is so awful. I am so, so sorry.

kmkat said...

I am so sorry. Pets worm their way into our hearts and souls and give us comfort and humor and unquestioning love. It is heart-wrenching to have to lose one. {{{hugs}}}

kathy b said...

Oh Kim. Bless your heart. Im so sorry you are dealing with this. Abundant prayers for you. You have given him a life so many others would not have. Hugs. Hugs hugs

camille said...

I'm hoping your swelling and pain have decreased- you are in my thoughts... Whatever you need to do- I know we all support you. I'm so sorry you are dealing with so darn much... Hugs

Bridget said...

This is the absolute worst. Take care and remember it's no one's fault and he knows you love him and always will. I know, easier said than done now, but it's still true. Love you sweetie, and Finn too.

Vicki Knitorious said...

Hugs to you, Kim. I wish I could squeeze you big and let you soak my shoulder. I'm so sorry that this is happening.

Oh My Goodness

 My daughter just sent me to the  American Dream Nut Butter  site. (She has always been able to discover THE coolest things.)  On a lark, I ...