Monday, March 4, 2024

2? 3?

I found a cowl pattern for my Paint Horse yarn, and it calls for size 2 1/2 needles.  Should I go down to the 2 or up to the 3?  I'm leaning toward the 3s, but would appreciate your input.

Twinnie asked about my winding:  I open up the hank and put it around my knees.  I have to shift it a lot so my legs don't cramp up, and occasionally have to carefully lift it off if, say, Tap needs to go out.  It usually works out fine.

Back to the oral surgeon in the morning, presumably for just a quick check on how the gum is healing.  Then, I suppose, setting an appointment for the RE-placement of the abutment.  Oy.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Are you a loose or tight knitter? I'm loose so I'd go down to 2. I don't think there's a whole lot of difference between 2 1/2 and 2.


As if there weren't enough things around and on my work spaces, I've tried something new. Diamond art, I guess it's called?  For...