Friday, April 29, 2022


Naturally, working the lion puzzle made me want to return to jigsaws.  This was my first stop:

Sorry about the glare on the bottom left.  The art is by Charley Harper, and features winged creatures.  Birds, of course, but also a bat and a butterfly --- both, naturally in that glare-y quadrant.

Taking this apart to start on another, it struck me that puzzle-working has an interesting aspect to it.  We go all through the process of finishing the picture, then completely dismantle what we've just done. We tear it all up.  But then we save it, keep it for another time we feel like putting it together.  I mean, we don't finish a painting to destroy it, sure we'll come back later and paint it over again.  We don't finish a knitting project, rip it up and pack the yarn away just to return to make precisely the same thing again.  But puzzles allow us to make them, break them, and rebuild them at another time.  That's sort of what they're made for.  

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Do you really ever do it again though?
I often think if I was on a desert island with a project I'd finish it and then rip it out and start again.

First Nose, Then Fish

As cute as the entire piece is, I doubt that any part of the Starry Night Bunny will enchant me more than this single stitch in peach: Look ...