Monday, March 1, 2021

The Crow

This photo doesn't do the size of this crow justice.  Tap and I were taking our walk when I spotted him.  When he spotted us, he half-dove toward us, and you could hear the flap of his wings.  It cowed Tap, and he turned around then and there and headed back to the house.

I thought it was kind of cool myself.


Kim in Oregon said...

Did I ever tell you that the first summer we were here (two years ago), a crow made her nest in a discarded christmas tree (lying kind of at the curb, except we have no curbs here). We would walk by there and always saw three pairs of baby crow eyes staring at us, while the grown up crows hung out on the wires and watched our every move (and followed us around the neighborhood).

kathy b said...

You know I love crows. We have HUGE ones here that are not Ravens, for sure. They know me. I swear when I come out to put seed in the feeders I often give them bread soaked in milk. One sees me and calls and they all talk. They don't usually come down to the bread until Im back inside. I love crows. They are so smart. Did you see the documentary they did about them knowing peoples faces?

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