Monday, March 22, 2021

Here Now

Seeing as Twinnie has been baking, I thought I'd show you my latest loaf.  This is (Dry) Onion (Soup Mix) Bread made today.  The house still smells yummy.

There is a seller on Etsy whose shop has provided many gifts that I've given over the years.  Recently, I ordered something for myself:

If you can't quite make out what the little card says, this is "The Sweater of Inertia."  I love this.  And not just because it's purple.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

OH THAT BREAD!!! Looks amazing. I think I can smell it here

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...