Monday, October 19, 2020

What's In A Name

 I imagine I went through the story of Tap's name when he got here, but last night I was working a crossword puzzle, and one of the clues told the entire story nicely.

You might remember that his name at the shelter was Gene Kelly.  Now, Kelly was remarkable in many ways, but that little guy (who could not make it up the front steps of this house when he arrived) was not a "Gene Kelly."  So, I went to my favorite dancer:

This is Charles "Honi" Coles.  Now, Little Guy wasn't a "Honi" either.  So, you go to the art form itself, and, *poof!*: name!

1 comment:

kathy b said...

OH I am checking out his dancing RIGHT now. I love TAP. And your tap. Kim I loved the win yarn and have already made a hat with it! Thanks!

First Nose, Then Fish

As cute as the entire piece is, I doubt that any part of the Starry Night Bunny will enchant me more than this single stitch in peach: Look ...