Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Two Days In

Two days in, and I'm realizing that there are more KH nominees' pictures in which they are shirtless than ever.  I'm trying not to go there, but it may happen.  Just a warning.

Madeleine is pretty, and feigns interest, but doesn't really care about such goings on.

Winners yesterday:

The second day brought the second tie ---we'll revisit Danai and Emma later on.

Those who did make it out of the first round need some company in the second round.  Help out with that, will you?

1 comment:

kathy b said...

this begs the question, my friend, ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET?

The State of My Stitching

 In the back is The Great Slog.  Can you tell how much more I've gotten done?  It's been all white, so probably not.  In the front, ...