Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Stop and Start

I have very bad --- congenitally bad --- knees.  They go stiff, cause me some discomfort, rather regularly.  Once in a long while, however, they will catch when a kneecap gets popped a little bit out of position.  I just buckle when it happens, and am helpless until everything slips back into place.

Last Saturday, my left knee started with the pain and the buckling, and it's still going on.  And while I am well aware of my own laziness, even I need to walk around some: to the mailbox, to the kitchen, etc.  Why my knees do this is a mystery, and when they will stop is the same.  Thank goodness knitting and reading are non-ambulatory pastimes.

 My Christmas tree is bought, but not in the house yet.  It's soaking up water from its stand in the garage.  There's furniture in the den that has to be moved around before it can be set up.  Actually, getting to "re-do" the den is one of the things I like most about this season.


kathy b said...

No tree up here yet either. We have lights outside but Im just not ready to put up the tree yet. I Love the indoor decor ....but my Pie is sick. Im not feeling too festive right now. She had her teeth removed 2 weeks ago, an dseemed to bounce back. But since we got home sunday she is very off. Not eating. Losing weight. We are searching for answers with the vet. Possible unrelated bowel obstruction is our current rule out. Please, Pray she starts to eat again.

Bridget said...

Ugh. Knee problems mess up so many things!

Our tree is never up this early, but I know you usually do yours the day after Thanksgiving, so I'm sure you must be annoyed. But think how nice it will be once it is up and smiling at you every day!

Vera said...

Ouch - hope your knee is better quickly. Our tree isn't up yet. We haven't even bought it yet! Next week...we plan to decorate it on the 10th when our son and his girlfriend will be over for dinner. Feel better!!!

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.