Wednesday, November 22, 2017

It Bears Repeating

More than once here, I've mentioned my love of tweed yarns.  I also love yarns with "sprinkled" colors, or "confetti."  Over the weekend, I used a ball of we are knitters' Sprinkled Pink to make two children's hats, and the sprinkles aligned themselves in very interesting ways:

That fascinates me.  I'm not enough of a math person to be able to figure it all out --- I just enjoy the prettiness.  

This has been a quiet week.  Grocery shopping on Monday;  somehow I always manage to have to go the week of Thanksgiving, and I don't even cook.  Son, daughter, daughter's boyfriend and I are meeting at son's house tomorrow night for board / card games and any junk / finger food we have around.  Yesterday and today, the weather's been grey and overcast, which, again, I have said here many, many times, I love.  Knitting, catching up with TV shows, working on the It-Can't-Be-Discussed-Here project have been the orders of the day.  Christmas decorating will begin Friday, as per tradition.  

I refuse to engage in Black Friday;  my years at the jewelry store were enough for a lifetime.  I refuse to even leave the house on Black Friday, unless there's some sort of emergency.  Saturday, I'm going to try out a crafting meet-up which, unfortunately, is being held at a store in a shopping center that's infuriatingly busy on regular days.  It's anyone's guess what it will be like then.


Anonymous said...

One year we were in Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with BIL & SIL and other family. Somebody -- not I! -- decided we should go down to The Loop on Black Friday. We were lucky to get out alive.

Kim in Oregon said...

Do you believe in magic? Because these knits are magical. Mine would never, ever look like this. They'd look like vomit. And with that image in your head, Happy Thanksgiving my beloved Twinster. Boomer sends his best as well.

Kim in Oregon said...

Middle of the night wake up: It's Bomber, not Boomer.

kathy b said...

Cute cute hat. Im not a black friday person. Many many many years of working Thanksgiving , the next day and the weekend as a nurse made it all impossible. I never felt I missed out.

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.