Saturday, January 10, 2015

Dot. Dot. Dot.

The grand total of How Many Cowboy Boots Kim Owns is. . .
36 regular. . .
3 rain.
Here be the last pair:
These are the rainboots I wear most often.  I've always been drawn to calico prints.  And gingham.  

You must believe me that I had no idea how many boots I have.  I figured it was "around" 30. . .  I'm sort of pleased the total wound up being an even 3 dozen.  Am I now duty-bound to show any future boot purchases?

Speaking of purchases. . .
My friend Kelli is offering a free download of her lovely Hexagon Mitts through tomorrow.  Help yourself to her creativity!  And maybe find something else you like while you're there. . .


kathy b said...

I found Fireman's old Frye boots in our closet. Easily 35 years old and in great shape

Kim in Oregon said...

Ok first, I can post again.
Second. How do rain boots count as cowboy boots? Please explain.

Kim is Frustrated

My regular lawn guy usually starts service in April.  For a reason he explained to me quite poorly, he wasn't going to start until "...