Friday, November 25, 2016


My daughter's boyfriend is a bona fide cook.  He came up with an all-from-scratch Thanksgiving meal for us:
Mashed sweet potatoes with cream cheese
Roasted white potatoes
Yeast rolls
Green bean casserole
Thank you, William;  it was all delicious.

We had a lovely time, and Briton and Hannah had lots to talk about.
This is either a conversation about Pokemon or other video games or the Avengers or mutual friends or "The Walking Dead" or movies or pets or TV shows. . .  You can see that Hannah inherited the talking-with-your-hands gene from me.  I once had a student ask me if I'd be able to lecture with my hands tied.

1 comment:

Vicki Knitorious said...

Oh, you had me at "cream cheese." Ha! That sounds deicious!! Happy holidays!

Going Out

 Grocery day again, mainly because the pets were out of treats. Big mistake, as today is UGA Graduation and, it appears, Move Out from Where...