This came in yesterday's mail, and its arrival displeased me.
Now, don't use the "consider the alternative" argument on me, but I do not like 65 coming at me. (It gets here shortly.) While having the paperwork for this done is a relief, what it sounds like and brings with it is fairly miserable. I don't know whether my deep depression is making 65 so horrific, or whether 65 is making my depression so much worse. Either way, eeeewwwww.
Hate, rage and wrath come from an Instagram post I saw where a crocheter was positing the idea of a Rage Wrap. It would be like a Prayer Shawl, except instead of putting love and healing and meditation into each stitch, you pour in all your negativity and bile. First of all, "Wrath Wrap" was right there as a name. Second, I may or may not be thinking about age-related-reasons to cast on a shawl.
I like the idea of a rage wrap for so many reasons. In just the past few weeks mine would be miles long already.
interesting thought-a rage wrap but I can't rail against something for that length of time. I'm sorry being 65 is giving you angst. It's a piece a cake....
I thought things would (magically) fall apart once I turned 65. Now I"m headed toward 67 and feeling better than I did pre-pandemic. It's a number, not a diagnosis!
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