Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Odds and Ends

People will say, "I flew all the way here."  Of course you did.  There's no reason to fly part of the way to anywhere. 

Sometimes I get hung up on the phrase "behind your back."  Wouldn't being behind the back be in the front?  I make conscious efforts to only say "in back."  It's just for me.

Did any of you ever wear these?  My mother tied them into my hair every morning for I don't know how many years.  I clearly remember how they felt: massive strands of acrylic yarn.

You can sort of see a hot green one there on the right;  I thought it was so cool that there were colors like that.  Not just navy and red and yellow.

Yesterday and today I've had a very intense headache on the right side.  It's sinus mixed with the lingering pain of the abutment surgery, and it is miserable.  Like a dry sinus infection, I guess?  Unpleasant to say the least.

My Seven Color Fox is coming along spectacularly.  It may be one of my favorite projects ever.  I'll probably knit tomorrow, though, so the yarn doesn't feel neglected.


Araignee said...

I do remember those hair ties. Our dog used to eat them if we left them laying around.
I hope you feel better. Headaches are the worst. I get them from time to time on one side or another and I'm miserable.

Delighted Hands said...

I wore those all the time in 8th grade! Nice memory lane! Sorry about the headache, I hope it eases soon!

Bridget said...

I remember the hair ties too!

One expression that I myself have used, but realize is completely regional and puzzles other people is "reading up." (prounounced as "Redding up.") As in, when you have people coming to your house, so you spend part of the day "reading up" so that place isn't a mess. It's a Pittsburgh-ese region version of "readying up" your house for company.

I try to only say it around people who will understand it. Explaining it otherwise generally causes blank looks ...

KSD said...

Never heard that phrase. Vocabulary increased.


So, I found this bouncy little kit, and opened it to start with the outlining.  I have to tell you, I like it like that.  I'm not going ...