Monday, March 20, 2023

The Old Days

Being a sick grown-up is not at all as fun as being sick growing up;  I'll tell you that right now.  You have to do everything for yourself, for cryin' out loud.  Not just getting fluids and stuff, but things like having to take out the dog, and move trash and recycling containers to and from the curb.

Also?  When I was growing up, at least, all thermometers were mercury thermometers.
And the thing about mercury thermometers was that you could hold them against light bulbs and make the reading go up.  Great for having* to miss a day of school.  AND, if the reading went too high, you could shake the thermometer gently until it got where you needed it to be.  Ever try to fake a temperature with a digital thermometer?  Next to impossible.

*"Having" being used here to mean "wanting".


Bridget said...

Feel better soon, so you can start to forget all about thermometers! xoxoxo

Kim in Oregon said...

I can't remember ever doing that but I probably did.

Happy's Where You Find It

You are sad as long as you're sad.  This, though, made me smile.  Both gone now: Toddler (?) Madeleine and Official Welcomer (?) Rupert....