Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Have you ever celebrated Christmas in July?  Buddy Bridget ran a CiJ contest on her blog, and I won one day!!!  This is what came to me the other day:
Do any knitters ever actually have enough bags and/or pouches?  (No.)  Can we have too many really nice pattern books?  (No.)  Can we have enough tea?  (No.  Well, once it becomes cool enough to drink it.)

The Duck Store catalog came yesterday, the Knit Picks one today.  Nothing really sprung out at me, though their collection of tweed yarns is nice.  There are also several new animal-themed bags and pouches.  This might be my favorite:
They have an otter one that's very cute, too.

Moving along on the three shawls.  On a good streak reading-wise.  All obligations for the week taken care of.  Sleeping late tomorrow, here I come.


Bridget said...

I'm glad your package arrived so quickly, after the mixup with sending it! Enjoy it all in your favorite way. xo

kathy b said...

Im so thrilled you were are winner. No, we cannot have enough bags!

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.