Saturday, October 6, 2018

Raining and Pouring

Just to get it out of the way, allow me to say I am more disappointed with the state of politics in this country right now than I have ever been.  Disappointed to tears. It's despicable.


Last night, I managed to crack one of the arms of my glasses, which necessitated an emergency eye exam and new glasses purchase today.  I got the absolute cheapest frames, but my final total was still in three digits.  It's my lenses.  I am desperately near-sighted but also need progressive lenses.  I did opt for a 2-for-one-price deal, as my sight is so bad, if I misplace my glasses, I need to wear glasses to look for them.

Tap and I have enrolled in a training/obedience glass.  It starts a week from tomorrow.  He's very mouthy (as in chewing on furniture).  He's yappy and nippy, too.  The vet said that getting him out, getting him used to socializing, will help that.  I took him to Petsmart yesterday, just to walk him around in a new place, with lots of people and several other dogs.  He did really, really well.  He did snap at one person who sort of charged up to him and tried to pat his head.  Other than that, it couldn't have gone better.


Kim in Oregon said...

I'd snap at a stranger who wanted to pet my head too. Just sayin'.

kathy b said...

Oh puppy school ! It was a welcome part of our lives during Huck's first year. He excelled at school. We adored our instructor and she became part of our lives and part of our family. She taught us as much about life as she did about dogs. Now I think of dear Gee, who just passed, and thank her. A lot of what she taught us translates to horses. Good for you for socializing Tap early!!

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.