Saturday, October 3, 2015


My son and I got into a conversation about Batman the other day.  Growing up, I loved Batman. (He's still my favorite superhero, along with Captain America.)  The "BIF!" "POW!" Batman with Adam West was on TV, and I never missed an episode.  We started talking about Batman villains, and I looked up the ones I remembered, winding up at this photo of Cesar Romero, who was The Joker.  Dashing, wouldn't you say?

My favorite toy when I was growing up was a Batman periscope.  I loved to "spy" on the houses and the people on my street.  And one of my clearest, fondest childhood memories is going to an auto show and seeing the Batmobile.  I even defied the signs and managed to touch one of the fins.  (Yep.  I was a rebel.)
"Atomic batteries to power;  turbines to speed!"


kathy b said...

Holy Bits of Memories Batman....!! that's some car

Kim in Oregon said...

Cesar Romero is a fox!

kmkat said...

I am listening to Love in the Time of Cholera. Cesar Romero would be PERFECT for one of male leads if it were a movie.

The State of My Stitching

 In the back is The Great Slog.  Can you tell how much more I've gotten done?  It's been all white, so probably not.  In the front, ...