Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Week-Long Pop Quiz

There have been some entertaining answers to the questions this week.  Thank you so much for taking the time to write.  Are you in the mood for one more?

What is your favorite line from any movie?

Mine is actually two lines;  again, I'll wait for some of you to answer before I let you know what they are

Oh, you are all coming in with some great quotes.  Particular tips of the cap to Shari and Bridget, who brought The Marx Brothers to the party, and to Kim, who got her husband involved.

As for me:
"Miss Jean Louise, stand up.  Your father's passing."
(To Kill A Mockingbird)


Bridget said...

Oh I have so many! But one that cracks me up every time - but is sadly inappropriate - is from "Duck Soup." Groucho's character is talking about someone, and said that she was "one of the Armstrongs." Then he says:

"The Armstrongs met the Headstrongs and that's how darkies were born!"

Sorry I know it's incredibly rude, but you did ask.

Bridget said...

I really am sorry - I hope I didn't offend you or anyone else. Feel free to delete, I don't want to start something unpleasant.

shspark said...

Well bust my buttons...The Wizard of Oz
It ain't fittin', it just ain't fittin' ain't fittin'....Gone with the wind
This would be a better world for children if the parents had to eat the spinach... Animal Crackers

Anonymous said...

"don't go shootin all the dogs just cause one of 'em's got fleas" from Hud (that was Joey's answer)
"I do love knitting patterns"- Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (mine)
do i get bonus points for making it about knitting?

Kim in Oregon said...

From Citizen Kane: "I think it would be fun to run a newspaper."

Kim in Oregon said...

From All About Eve: "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night."

teabird said...

Klaatu. Barada. Nikto.
("The Day the Earth Stood Still."

kathy b said...

"Imagine your a deer" etc by Mona Lisa Vito in my cousin Vinny

"While we are young" from caddyshack

"You have no call to get snippy with me, IM 'just doing my job" Marge Gunderson Fargo

"Im life ANNIE! and Im biting you in the ass" From Bridesmaids!

OH THIS WAS TOO FUN a post and I just spent 20 minutes on it!

Lorette said...

Oh, no question.

"My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Princess Bride, the source of many other terrific movie quotes.

We Are So Excited About the Snow!!

 Though my life as a Southerner long ago taught me that just because a couple of weathermen say snow is on the way doesn't mean it will ...