Monday, September 17, 2012

And the Winners Are:

For the Inaugural Knitters' Chick contest:
Dame Maggie Smith.

Never in doubt, really --- at least not to me.  From the first round, people were loving her.  And who can blame them? Lorette nominated Dame Maggie, and will be receiving the Knitters' Chick Grand Prize. Bridget nominated runner-up Meryl Streep, and will be receiving the Runner-Up Prize.

If you are interested, the final vote count was 69% for Smith, 31% for Streep.

And the 2012 Knitters' Hunk, coming from way behind earlier in the day is
Liam Neeson.

I had honestly thought Benedict Cumberbatch was going to win --- his margins of victory were always so big.  But the Liam Lovers among you came through, most of all Camille, who has won the Grand Prize.*  The runner-up package goes to, would you believe it, Lorette! She sure knows how to pick 'em!  Final margin: Neeson 55%. Cumberbatch 45%.

So, the reigns of Maggie and Liam begin, and we'll all meet again here next year to start all over!  Thank you SO, SO much everybody!

*Edited to add: Briana also nominated Liam, but sloppy record-keeping on my part didn't give her credit.  That being the case, I'm going to forego my usual tie-breaker, and send her a Grand Prize package, too.  Sorry, Briana!!


Lorette said...

I can't really say that i'm sad to have to look at Liam all year. He's a fine knitter' hunk! Thanks again for doing this this year!

camille said...

Woo hoo!!! I'm so psyched! Liam deserves his year as Knitter's Hunk finally! Though I love Benedict tons too- I know he will be back to win another year!
And as for Dame Maggie, what a winner!
Every year is the best year ever!
Long live the Knotter's Hunk! Long live the Knitter's Chick! And long live Kim!!! Best contest ever! Buzz ah! Sooo happy!

camille said...

Should have read: knitter's hunk and huzzah

camille said...

Btw- my happy dance and my cheers could not be contained when I saw the results! It kept my kids up an extra 20 minutes! :-)

Briana said...

Oh! I didn't know anyone else had nominated Liam. I thought I was the only person! Lol. Well congratulations all... :)

Briana said...

I'm just wondering. Did you only pick one of the people who nominated to win the grand prize like a drawing? Sorry to go on about it. I was just following the race so closely since my Liam was passing through! LoL.

Kim in Oregon said...

Congrats Lorette!! And thanks to Kim for hostessing. Love you twinster!

Bridget said...

Love these results - truly I would have been happy with any of the finalists!

Lorette clearly studied hard this year before nominating anyway ... ;-)

KSD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KSD said...

No, Briana, you are absolutely right, and you have my FULL apology. If you could e-mail your address to me at hand eyecraftsat hotmail dotcom, I will send your prize package out, too. I am so very, very sorry --- I don't know what happened.

Briana said...

I didn't nominate Stephen Colbert. :( I nominated Liam, Rowan Atkinson and a country artist. I also nominated Gillian Anderson and two other ladies. I looked yesterday. My 6 nominations were made August 1st.

Briana said...

Oh! We replied at the same time! Lol. Thank you for looking into it! <3 I'll do that! :D

teabird said...

Congratulations to the winners!

(there's always next year, Jeremy...)

kathy b said...


Carrie K said...

I missed the Knitter's Hunk! Darn that back surgery.

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